Negotiation strategies for mining and oil contracts

Durée de la formation : en fonction des besoins des participants:


Beginner, Improvement


Design and implement a clear, coherent negotiation strategy adapted to the approach adopted by the other party.
Identify and overcome factors that can negatively impact a negotiation;

Identify and manage the main tensions at the negotiation table;

Teaching means

Participant/facilitator interactivity , case studies and practical projects

Evaluation of Achivements

Participants will be assessed throughout the training through exercises and case studies .


Good knowledge of the upstream oil sector, law and taxation.


Executives or legal, financial managers, administrative staff, capacity building, project managers, supply chain managers, planning and strategy managers , public administration executives , consultants, students .



  • Introduction
  • How to prepare for a negotiation;
  • Negotiation techniques;
  • Strategic dimensions and dilemmas in negotiation;
  • The importance of communication;
  • The key factors of success and failure in negotiations.
Accounting Financial concept. Business financing accounting banking and tax systems concept.


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